Patient Participation Group
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a great way to have your say and represent patients within Ashington House Surgery
To help us connect with our patients and carers we have launched a new newsletter and Virtual Patient and Carer Participation Group (VPCPG). The This virtual group provides an opportunity for you to share your insights and for us to learn what matters most to our patients their carers. Our goal in the PCN is to place our patients & carers at the heart of everything we do. To help us reach as many people as possible we have launched this group virtually. We look forward to working together more closely in partnership with you to make improvements to our services. For more information on our newsletters please click the links below to see our most recent editions.
Our latest Newsletters
The PPG are a group of patients who meet up every three months. They get together to discuss and provide feedback on services they receive from us. The group of patients also help us to spread the word about the changes coming to the surgery and make sure patients are involved in important decisions.
Your local surgery needs you!
We are always looking for enthusiastic and willing patients to give us feedback.
If you would like to join the PPG or the next meeting, please complete the form below and a member of the PPG will get back to you as soon as possible.
Patient Participation Group minutes
You can find the minutes from previous meetings below.